
Thursday March 21 · 19hcastellano
Facilitates Ron Hades

Ron teaches workshops on a variety of subjects, including rope bondage. During their workshops Ron leads people into a safer space where there are no over structures, no categories, no names, so that everyone* can follow the path to personal unfoldment.

This performance is going to be immersive event, upon your arrival you can choose if you want to be part of the performance or not. If yes you write down your name and Ron will pick a name randomly and maybe you will be co-performer of that evening.

This is also going to be part of educational experience to see how sexworkers lead the session and how Ron as sexworker can connect with stranger very deeply and also how you can communicate your desire and boundaries with others.

Anyone can be co-performer regardless of your gender, colour of your skin, size of your body and disability.

After the session we will leave time for a rope jam (if attendees wish).

Collaboration €25
Variable depending on your current situation. 15-30€
Consult information about variable collaborations

*** We do not want anyone to be left out of the activities due to economic issues, if this is your case, let us know and we will look for possible exchanges or a reduced collaboration. In the same way, Observatorio del Placer is a project in formation, if you want to support us with a greater collaboration, it will also be welcome.


RON HADES (no pronoum)

Ron is non-binary queer full service sexworker, porn performer, Activist and kink educator. 

Bondage is the natural highlight of their path, because it allowed them to channel and combine their sexual energy, spiritual talent, aesthetic vision and dominant personality into a form of art, meditation, power. 

During their workshops they leads people into a safer space where there are no over structures, no categories, no names, so that everyone* can follow the path the way to personal unfoldment. 

Ron gives different types of workshops since 2018: bondage meditation, bondage for sex workers, for couples, for beginners and intermediate level and private coaching for BDSM.