En nuestra búsqueda de procesos de exploración innovadores, invitamos a artistas a participar de residencias artísticas en el Observatorio del Placer. Estas residencias están dedicadas a la investigación y la práctica, con un enfoque específico en diversos aspectos del amplio espectro de la sexualidad. + INFO convocatoria 2025

The Centre that Cannot Hold _ Oryx
_ Artistic residency _ February 10-14
_ Open call _ Study group _ 10-15 February
_ Performance _ February 15, 19h

En “The Centre that Cannot Hold" a group of dancers, theatre makers, somatic practitioners, and performers are invited to come together through a residency and performance, to understand Choreomania not only as a theoretical framework, but also a somatic methodology to investigate our interpersonal relationships in cognitive capitalist frameworks. That being, the ways systems control, regulate, and ‘normalize’ our relationality, in which relationships are usually binary, commodified, and serialised.

The Centre that Cannot Hold _ Oryx _ residencia artística 2025

Sense ànim d’èxit _ Pitar Jacksan
_ Residencia artística _ 24-28 febrero
_ Muestra _ 1 marzo 19h

Este camino es, antes de nada, una afinación de la escucha. Busco este estado donde se apaga la mente y emerge el lenguaje del cuerpo, libro de palabras. es este puente entre la mente y el cuerpo el que quiero explorar.

Más adelante es ver si esta escucha personal se puede trasladar a una experiencia compartida, donde otros cuerpos, otras presencias, puedan también acceder. Me pregunto si, escuchándonos íntimamente, podremos crear espacios de expresión genuina donde el deseo se comunique con formas y emociones comprensibles para una tercera persona. Y ya para pedir, intentar escudriñar donde son las puertas abiertas, donde raen las invitaciones, los consensos y los límites.

Sense ànim d'èxit _ Pitar Jacksan residencia artística OdP


BODY [DYS]MORPHING _ Forbidden:4ØΞrror
_ Residencia artística _ 13-17 enero
_ Research session _ January 15th 6-9pm
_ Performance _ 18 enero 19h

In this one-week residency, we invite local audience to join us in exploring our unique and complex relationships with our bodies: shifting the narrative from constant dissatisfaction with with perceived flaws to one of the care, intimacy, desire and love we deserve; challenging the (hetero)normative beauty standards and conventional perceptions of sex and love. Through somatic practices and sacred rituals we will explore queer perspectives on self-intimacy and masturbation, (re)connecting with our bodies and learning to let go, and being present and holding space for a gentle touch of love and desire to ourselves.

BODY [DYS]MORPHING _ Forbidden:4ØΞrror - residencia artística OdP


Fracasar nunca fue tan sexy _ Cristian González
_ Residencia 9-14 diciembre
_ Performance _ 15 diciembre

Fracasar nunca fue tan sexy es una exploración en danza y performance que cuestiona los límites del cuerpo y su relación con el deseo, la seducción y el fracaso. A través de una investigación personal, la obra se adentra en las complejidades de un cuerpo diseñado para agradar, pero que se enfrenta irremediablemente a la imposibilidad de cumplir con esas expectativas.
En este proceso, el cuerpo se transforma, se desplaza, se resiste: es un cuerpo que oscila entre lo solemne y lo caótico, entre el deseo inalcanzable y la vulnerabilidad que nace del fracaso. El movimiento se convierte en un juego de opuestos: el deseo como perfección y el deseo como liberación, la seducción como una búsqueda constante y la seducción como un acto de autenticidad.


Normal (3ra edición) – convocatoria abierta
_ Residencia artística 11-16 de noviembre 2024
_ Instalación corporal _ 16 noviembre 19h

In this week-long residency, we invite a study group to explore accessing and exposing intimacy, acknowledging its inherently subjective nature.
Through a variety of rituals, physical and conversational exercises, we seek not only to explore our own interpretations of intimacy but also to understand how others experience it. By navigating these different perspectives, this residency seeks to challenge patriarchal norms and societal structures in the pursuit of genuine connection.
We invite all kinds of bodies and local artists to join our study group and to challenge the concept of NORMALAnd to imagine a practice that extends beyond the residency itself— Reimagining what NORMAL can be-- ultimately culminating in a body installation the 16th of Nov. + info

residencia artística Normal 3ra edición
residencia artística Normal 3ra edición

UNDISGUISED por André Uerba
_ Residencia 7 – 13 oct
Open Studio / Performance Sharing Sunday, October 13th

Is the first research for a new project and intertwines choreography and somatic practices. Within the frame of the one-week residency at Observatorio del Placer, my wish is to investigate and create a space for encounters and consensual connections to happen, while being creative, playful and engaging the physical, emotional and erotic body. “Undisguised“ takes gestures of intimacy and dispositives of support (giving & receiving) as an ethical and creative input, and attempts to formulate what are the rituals of gathering of the 21st century. + info

Cutting some branches for a temporary shelter por Látigo Colectivo (Roc Gottschalk y Nass Roca)
_ Residencia 30 de sept al 4 oct 2024
_ Cutting some branches for a temporary shelter VOLII
Ensamblaje instalativo 5 y 6 oct 19h

In this residency we will take up a performative cell and turn it into an immersive installation assembly with several stations through which you can circulate and experience fragments of the same investigation.

The original trigger for this composition was born as a consequence of the resonances that arise when the body is prepared for the amputation of a part of the body, as a surgical act for the supposed “gender reassignment.” + info

ASS OPERA, singing with the power of erotics por Marja Christians
_ Residencia 9 – 13 de sept
_ Canto lírico desde el ano y otres Sirenes del O – dom 15 sept

Deseo transfeminista, erótica queer feminista es recuperando lo erótico suprimido como considered source of power and information within queer lives and sexuality. Lo erótico como poder (según Audre Lorde) reclama el sentimiento, lo pone en el centro y saca de ahí estrategias de libido contra hegemónicas that help us remember places of the body and pleasure that were denied or even prohibited to us. As a multidisciplinary dance creator she investigated anus singing and shared oceanic-erotic practices, inviting dissident peers. The Conversation, sound and song come through the anus: transfeminist and queer erotica and desire. + info

residencia artística assopera

Bizarre snails por Matilde Flor Usinger e Íñigo Laudio
_ Residencia 15-19 de julio 2024
_ Performance _ 20 de julio 19h

Can prejudice condemn dissident bodies and identities? Can you desire what you don't see? What is the limit of the game? Do you know it? Do you think a look is enough to understand a person?

Matilde Flor Usinger & Íñigo Laudio have been exploring these questions for a week at Observatorio del Placer. We would be happy to invite you to a showing of our work. + info

residencias artísticas _ Bizarre Snails

GRADO CERO por Ornella Bodratto y Sofia Sasso
_ Residencia 15 – 19 de julio
_ Grado cero – Espacio inmersivo 19 julio

During the residency we will navigate the fantasy of desire as a species, we will seek to merge it through visual and sound devices, and we will create invented symbiotic fields, where it can coexist with other imaginary species. These desiring ecosystems, that arise from the experiments, will have as their center of action the stripping of human assemblages and the mechanisms of desire that we have learned so far. The research process will be open through a public and immersive activation that will be accessible and will contemplate all corporalities and types of mobility. We invite us to immerse ourselves collectively and sensitively in the waters of our desires and to dis-configure ourselves from the known desiring tissues... Welcome. + info

New Normal por Matilde Flor Usinger, Nanna Koppel and ZCA
_ Residencia 8 – 12 julio 2024
_ Instalación corporal INTRA(STING) _ sábado 13 Julio 20h

In this week-long residency, our focus lies on the exploration of accessing and exposing intimacy, acknowledging its inherently subjective nature. To grasp intimacy, a prerequisite is to maybe not having to define it? Through a diverse range of physical and conversational exercises, our aim is to not clarify what intimacy means to us and also to explore the unique definitions others hold. By navigating the intersections of these subjective perspectives, we intend to use these as tools to experiment with a performative approach to be one with the veil that intimacy may be. + info

Serie Bar-King por Joi Pineda
_ Residencia 1 – 5 julio 2024
_ Cabaret Chikazos _ viernes 5 Julio 20h

Bar-king is a performative series that It integrates two pieces that fluctuate between performance art and the cabaret or drag king show where masculinities are addressed. It is a series developed through two chain performances nominally presented through the title composed of the first three letters of the shows (Barrikadas y Barro) along with the suffix king and alludes to the Anglo-Saxon word barking (ladrido de perro). Bar-King appropriates some of the interpretations of the action of ladrar, understanding it as something that bothers or alerts, and at the same time a warning or tension. That is why all the pieces that will be produced throughout this series will be woven together through the uncomfortable and directing the gaze of the spectators towards the phenomenon of the failure of masculinity in order to remove the layers. subalterns that are in it. + info

Affective ecologies by Proyecto conspira (Lynx and Zafiro)
_ Residency 3 – June 7, 2024
_ Práctica colectiva 7 junio

In this residency we will investigate how to sensually conspire with plants and things to disrupt colonial common sense. Ignited by the plant studies of Natasha Myers (2021), we set out to explore vegetalization and eroticize the care of the living to conjure other possible worlds. We want to learn from the strategies of these beings who have billions of years more experience than us in terraforming habitable worlds. We invoke the cuir sexualities of other species and set ourselves the task of absorbing all types of fantasies through our tissues. We are going to alter our sensorium to open ourselves to new sensible worlds and test habitable worlds. We are seduced by thinking about and practicing non-reproductive, non-genital sex and the varied range of contrasexual practices that proliferate from these relationships. We will practice dirty and hot tenderness by interacting with earth, sand, water and plants in a friction of surfaces and flows. We feel, touch, talk to and grow plants, too, we are touched by them. + info

Cannibalism by KULSHEDRA and Zélie DP
_ Residencia 15 – 19 abril
_ Taller 18 abril a las 18h + performance 19 abril 19h

Cannibalism is a term dating from Columbus time used to dehumanize indigeneous inhabitants from the lands Europeans came to colonize. This research proposes to reverse this white and western concept towards ourselves and interrogate our own whiteness through it. If cannibalism (as in the concrete act of eating human flesh) happened in many forms in Europe, we propose to look at this notion with a broader view. It could be understood as an ensemble of dehumanizing practices based on the pre-desire of the other’s flesh, these actions ending in annihilating and destroying the object of this desire. As we are white able-bodied afab performers, our research will focus on what we experienced. +info

Normal by Matilde Flor Usinger
_ Residence April 8-12, 2024
_ Call for work group 8-12 + Workshop 12 + performance on April 13

In this week-long residency, my focus lies on the exploration of accessing and exposing intimacy, acknowledging its inherently subjective nature. To grasp intimacy, a prerequisite is to define it. Through a diverse range of physical and conversational exercises, I aim to clarify what intimacy means to me and also to explore the unique definitions others hold. By navigating the intersections of these subjective perspectives, I intend to use these as tools to experiment with a performative approach to unveiling intimacy. + info

The OdP 2024 artistic residency project receives support from Barcelona City Council.

Lo xenosensorial · anna natt
residency 3 – 8 Diciembre 23′
_ práctica 9 Diciembre

Durante la residencia, me interesa explorar el origen de nuestras atracciones y cómo expresamos nuestros deseos en un espacio sexual colectivo. Por qué queremos lo que queremos y qué pasaría si entráramos en un espacio de juego y no pensáramos en «qué deseo yo», sino en «qué desea el espacio». ¿Y si nuestro primer objetivo en un espacio de juego fuera crear belleza, fundirnos en una composición colectiva? ¿Podría ser igual de placentero saber que lo que estás haciendo está agradando a alguien visual, auditiva u olfativamente, sin saber necesariamente quién es ese alguien? ¿Y cómo podría esto desplazar nuestros centros de placer y reorganizar nuestras zonas erógenas?

+ info

put*s somatic*s
residency 25 – 31 Octubre 23′
_ práctica 1 – 4 Noviembre

La investigación de puts somatics tiene como eje el servicio sexual, y es la idea de servicio la que está siendo atendida. Existe una pregunta por los bordes de la(s) sexualidad(es) que puede servir como suelo donde reposar. ¿Cuáles son las posibles direccionalidades de un servicio? ¿Cuáles son las posibles entidades agenciales en un servicio? ¿Se puede estar al servicio de lo que emerge? ¿De las memorias del toque de su dedos en la hoja del helecho? ¿De la luz que roza el aire del espacio y tu cuerpo? ¿De nuestro recuerdo? ¿Del aire que sudan las hojas verdes del rincón? ¿Del calor de los focos rozando la textura del suelo? ¿Hay posibilidad de un deseo autopoiético?…

Los Ojitos de Dios · Proyecto de Caos F.
_ residency 10-15 Abril 23′
_ performance Domingo 14 Mayo 19-21h

Los ojitos de Dios es un formato de performance de contenido sexual explícito basado en la exploración en grupo (3 a 5 personas) de los gustos eróticos y fantasías más deseables y ocultas de cada voluntarix. Todo ello sucede gracias a las órdenes sonoras dadas por un Dios invisible y solo perceptibles por lxs participantes, quienes sin conocerse entre sí se encuentran en un mismo espacio escénico para tener un encuentro sexual orquestado.
Dios conoce los anhelos de cada criatura y lxs pone a jugar y operar en un teatro erótico despersonalizado y liberador que tiene como objetivo permitir a las criaturas proporcionar y proporcionarse placer de forma colectiva disfrutando del placer de «ser usadx».