Performance/experiencia/jam Ron Hades

Thursday March 21 · 19henglish
Facilitates Ron Hades

Ron teaches workshops on a variety of subjects, including rope bondage. During their workshops Ron leads people into a safer space where there are no over structures, no categories, no names, so that everyone* can follow the path to personal unfoldment.
This performance is going to be immersive event, upon your arrival you can choose if you want to be part of the performance or not. If yes you write down your name and Ron will pick a name randomly and you will be co-performer of that evening.

This performance is going to be immersive event, upon your arrival you can choose if you want to be part of the performance or not. If yes you write down your name and Ron will pick a name randomly and you will be co-performer of that evening.

This is also going to be part of educational experience to see how sexworkers lead the session and how Ron as sexworker can connect with stranger very deeply and also how you can communicate your desire and boundaries with others.

After the session we will open a time slot for a string jam (if attendees wish).

Collaboration €25
Variable depending on your current situation. 15-30€
Consult information about variable collaboration

*** No queremos que nadie quede fuera de las actividades por tema económico, si es tu caso avísanos y buscaremos posibles intercambios o una colaboración más reducida.
Likewise, Observatorio del Placer is a project in formation, if you want to support us with greater collaboration, it will also be welcome.


RON HADES (no pronoum)

Es trabajadore sexual queer no binarie, actxr porno, educadore kink.

El bondage es el punto culminante natural de su camino, porque les permitió canalizar y combinar su energía sexual, talento espiritual, visión estética y personalidad dominante en una forma de arte, meditación, poder.

Sus talleres llevan a las personas a un espacio más seguro donde no hay sobreestructuras, ni categorías, ni nombres, para que todes* puedan seguir el camino del desenvolvimiento personal.

Ron imparte diferentes tipos de talleres desde 2018: meditación bondage, bondage para trabajador*s sexuales, para parejas, para principiantes y nivel intermedio y coaching privado para BDSM.

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