
Pleasure Observatory is a space for curiosity, questioning, experimentation and research about sexuality, ecoqueer and their relationships.

We are very interested in projects that delve into the intricate exploration of sexuality within the realms of post-identity, xenopoetics, ecoqueer perspectives and intra-action. Our goal is to foster projects that display sexuality as a dynamic and intertwined facet of the human experience.
Located within a post-identitarian framework that values diversity and fluidity, our explorations aim to bring creative and ecological dimensions to the discourse around sexuality. They aspire to push the boundaries of linguistic expression and anchor sexuality within broader ecological contexts.

By emphasizing the relational nature of sexuality, we underline the significance of its intra-action, weaving intricate plots with other entities. By fusing these diverse perspectives, we aim to foster a holistic understanding that transcends conventional frameworks. This initiative seeks to invite a more inclusive and interconnected exploration of sexuality, celebrating its countless forms and expressions.

* Todas las actividades y experiencias tienen lugar en nuestro espacio en el centro de Barcelona.

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