
We want to enjoy spaces where we can expand experiences and perhaps limits, feeling that it is a cared-for environment where respect, consent and enjoyment of diversity are the basis for everything that may happen.

. . . Este es un trabajo posthumanista, no un trabajo ciudadano. No es ni una terapia niΒ prΓ‘cticas violentamente normativas que basan la transformaciΓ³n en la inclusiΓ³n. (…) esΒ itinerancia. Es un encuentro entre lugares. Hay que bailar, girar, girar, doblarse,Β caer, rodar y ser poseΓ­do. Lo correcto es exactamente lo que no se debe hacer.
Bayo Akomolafe

π’π„ππ’πŽπ‘πˆπ”πŒ is a project where the investigation of sexuality and its possible relationships are the axis of the approach and development. With a simple space-time container we enter a totally experimental experience where together or separately we discover how these axes translate into a mythopoietic type manifestation.

En esta ediciΓ³n serΓ‘ Phycticio quien genere la sonoridad en este espacio/tiempo.

Phycticio es el nombre del personaje creado por Javier Troya, una persona a la que le gusta crear sentimientos y sensaciones a travΓ©s de los sonidos. MΓΊsico desde los 90, desarrollador web desde los 00, ahora quiere mezclar todo ese conocimiento en una obra de arte inagotable hecha de sonido, imagen y alma.

Activity open to those who investigate their sexuality regardless of the gender or identity of the people they will meet in the experience.

The next edition is the 2nd Anniversary of π’π„ππ’πŽπ‘πˆπ”πŒ, the 27 de julio, de 18-23h.
Collaboration experience 40€
or variable depending on your current situation. 25-60€
Consult information about variable collaboration

*** We do not want anyone to be left out of the activities due to economic issues, if this is your case, let us know.
Likewise, Observatorio del Placer is a project in formation, if you want to support us with greater collaboration, it will also be welcome.

Before accessing the events we would like to know a little more about you and thus confirm that there are certain clear and necessary concepts that will help us all feel good at the meeting.

Sign up through the form following this link



If you have questions you can contact us directly at observatoriodelplacer@gmail.com

We reserve the right to deny access or revoke it if we consider that the basic precepts of the event are not being respected.

ecozorreo image

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