put*s som*aticas · edition II

put*s somatic*s (perfo-session / performative s. service where the performance is at the service of the somatic)

April 17, 22, 23 April 24 and 25
By/With put*s somatic*s

put*s somatic*s (perfo-session for 1 person)

We are interested in exploring the composting between performance and sex work. put*s somatic*s is a poetic-tactile offering (with the possibility of nudity) that tries to transit subtle sensations exploring visceral imaginaries. Traversing the proposals, emerging, mutating, resting, moving, sounding,... There is a question about the edges of sexuality(ies) that can serve as a ground to rest on.

put*s somatic*s are questions to hopeless sexualities that inhabit and emerge in the f(r)ictions that we were not/were and will not/will be. Their world is constituted in each (dis)encounter.

… among the guts that I stir to find something to cling to, something whispers to me from the no/absence: There is no clinging-One. Perhaps there is clinging to another-that-binds … (put*s somatic*s)(put*s somatic*s)

An agential performance, a sexual offering, a somatic service? 

The research of put*s somatic*s has as its axis the idea of intradirectionality(ies) in a service (sexual, somatic, performative). Can one be at the service of what emerges? Of the memories of the touch of our fingers on the fern leaf? Of the light that brushes the air of the space and our body? Of memory? Of the air sweated by the green leaves in the corner? Of the heat of the spotlights licking the texture of the ground? Is there the possibility of an intra-poietic desire? 

These and other questions help to imagine hopeless relational maps. From your answers in the form, l*s put*s somatic*s are re-created in a series of possible gestures, territories and proposals where to try other sexualities and services, in (creative) tension with the ideas of sanitisation and choreography of the homogenising image-desire.

... Yesterday I baptised you in the salt water with salty rosemary and proud, three times, and three times I bathed in the same water and in the same rosemary that I let then travel endlessly... (put*s somatic*s) (put*s somatic*s)

Thus, the proposal has the following format --->

Duration: There is a duration that is not fixed and that depends on what is and what is not there at the moment; of emergencies that (do not) occur.

Aportación: Aportación sugerida 100 euros. Si no te encuentras en situación de pagarlo, puedes aportar lo que consideres a partir de 50 euros. Y si esto tampoco es posible, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotrxs. La aportación debe realizarse antes de la perfo-sesión. 

You can contact us with any questions or concerns at putsomatics@gmail.com. Once you have completed the form, we will contact you.

te puedes inscribir a través de este formulario

Imagenes y video de Mariana Erato